• Greenhill Arts (map)
  • Fore St
  • Moretonhampstead, TQ13 8LL
  • United Kingdom

Last year, ALL our flagpoles went up in smoke…. 120 of them.

They have each been lovingly remade so we thought lets install the poles in the Moretonhampstead Sentry, 2 metres apart, over the May Day weekend for 24/36 hours including put up and take down.

The town love the flags, we love the flags, the poles have been made with great care, why not make them a stepping stone to us carefully getting back together again, and making something that pretty much everyone can join in with.

You THE PUBLIC will be invited to tie, hang, pin to the poles ANYTHING that you wish to express about THIS TIME NOW. You can put your name to your words or be anonymous.  You can use something from your home – a narrow ribbon sized strip of cloth decorated or written on with a biro would be fine, ditto a cloth label - you can cut out a shape, and make a hole and tie-on (needs to be waterproof ink). We want our new poles to be made meaningful, your words, drawings, cloths, patches and ribbons, will express what you have experienced, values, hopes, fears, delights etc ANYTHING you are willing to share.

But REMEMBER, this is NOT a GATHERING. Please keep socially distanced. You may come, go, stay, return for as long as you feel the need.

There will be a continual presence throughout, dusk to dawn to dusk. Your ribbons/notes/voices will be carefully collected and will give precious insight into this time, a time capsule of sorts, and something to reflect upon in the future. DO drop your creations in to GH Arts or simply turn up during the weekend and pin your work on yourself……