A 24 hour Vigil to mark 100 years since the signing of the 1918 Armistice that ended the First World War
Thirty six men from Moretonhampstead died. What must it have been like for this little town with a population of 1,561; for the families and community who had to live with a generation of such trauma and loss, and what about those who came back, what was it like for them? Then a second war followed...... There will be events all over the world marking this time, of global human catastrophe.
The community of little clay figures made by schoolchildren, residents at Coppelia House, the Youth Club and other people from the town, will be installed at the back of St Andrews church. The fragile figures say something about us whoever we are, and wherever we come from. Pop in for a few minutes or stay for the duration. There may be someone you want to remember, or a thought or memory you want to share, we will provide paper, pens, pencils and you can draw, cut out, write, stick – or you may just want to be quiet. We have contributions of song, art work, readings, music, film and soup to see it through and are compiling a rota to make sure two responsible people are always present in a the church. Please contact Andrea: andrea.foxwell@btinternet.com 01647440336, if you are able to commit some time.