A magical exhibition of work by an internationally-celebrated group of Dartmoor mythic artists.

 Walking "widdershins" (counter-clockwise) is a traditional path into the Faerie Realm. Come to Green Hill Arts this summer and let us show you the way....

This exhibition features work by mythic artists who live on Dartmoor (or have strong local connections), but whose paintings, sculptures, books, and films are known far beyond -- includingAlan Lee (Lord of the Rings), Brian & Wendy Froud (Labyrinth), Paul Kidby (Terry Pratchett's Discworld), David Wyatt (Peter Pan in Scarlet), Virginia Lee (The Frog Bride), and Rima Staines (Hedgespoken: A Vehicle for the Imagination), plus many others. 

The art in this show explores local legends, world myth, folklore, and faery tales in diverse, surprising ways -- ranging from earthy to ethereal, from sensual to spiritual, from frightening to whimsical....shaped into paintings, sculptures, assemblages, magical clocks, handbound books, and more.